[[en]]About R&C Academy[[zh]]关于​枝藤艺术

[[zh]]取名枝藤的寓意- 学生和老师的相互“缠绕”,相互成就,绿意盎然。

[[zh]]枝藤艺术设计学院创办于2014年,位于加拿大大温地区南素里白石地区,是一所有课程体系的专业艺术教育机构,我们的课程设计不仅仅只是技能上的提高,我们提倡Process Art-有过程的艺术。无论您是Pre-K, 12年级或者是成人,在这里都可以找到不同级别,不同艺术专业的课程。枝藤的导师拥有超过20年的教育经验,帮助过上百个有艺术梦想的学生们进入设计创意产业领域。我们的理念是Learning Through Art:无论你是不是艺术专业的学生,我们都希望通过艺术的学习,可以提高综合艺术素养,给学生们的其他方面领域甚至是未来带来积极的影响。
[[en]]R&C Academy of Art + Design was founded in 2014, located in South Surrey White Rock, BC, Canada. We are a professional art education institution, including a diverse range of courses. Our curriculum not only helps students improve their art techniques but also encourages and emphasizes process art. Whether you are a Pre-K, a Grade 12, or an adult, you can find the corresponding courses here, since we offer different levels of art classes and focus on a variety of art majors. Our teachers at R&C Academy have more than 20 years of art education experience. They have guided hundreds of students who have art dreams into the professional field of art and design. Our Academy’s main concept is to learn through art: it doesn’t matter if you wish to become an art major or not, you can always choose to improve your literacy in art or use art to bring positive influences in other areas.

[[en]]Our Team[[zh]]我们的团队

[[en]]Ray and Crystal are the founders of the only art education institutions in the Greater Vancouver Area with both a bachelor's degree from a well-known Chinese art school and a master's degree from the world's top 20 art design majors in Europe; and both have served as university art lecturers. Ray also has a Ph.D. in Art Education.
[[zh]]Ray 和 Crystal 是大温地区唯一同时具备中国知名艺术学院学士背景和世界前20名艺术设计专业欧洲名校硕士学历;并且都曾担任大学艺术专业讲师的艺术教育机构创始人,Ray 同时还具备加拿大艺术教育专业博士进修经历。